23. Jan.. 2021 - 13. Feb.. 2021, 10:00-12:30 Uhr

In this 3-week live, online course from the location that is accessible to you , you will have an opportunity to listen to nature, explore greater connection to yourself and nourish in community. We will explore various sensory awareness practices and mindfulness-based meditations to support us being present and awake to our direct experience and to the wonder and mystery of nature. Tending to the diverse environments we are in, we will learn from nature’s perennial wisdom that teaches us about change, inter-dependence, letting go, looking deeply, appreciating and savoring and the power of caring. We will explore our capacity to be with what is, aware that circumstances outdoors and in nature are not predictable. We will explore the interconnection between our inner and outer landscape, and how nature touches and evokes beautiful qualities in us. We will practice ways to cultivate a greater sense of peace and equanimity in these challenging times, explore ways to open our heart and learn skills to integrate these practices into our everyday life, in which we care for what we love.
In our practice, mini-talks about relevant topics, scientific research and health benefits will be interwoven with guided meditations, group exercises and sharing time. We will move from Foundational Mindfulness Practices to Sensory Awareness, towards Heart Practices and Wisdom Practices. We will also tend to our bodies and eyesight in front of screens and allow for short breaks with practices you may adapt and apply to your daily routines. Even virtually in a group, contemplative nature practice allows for an experience of nourishment, inspiration, and connection with oneself and with each other, embedded in what we perceive as outer nature.
No meditation experience necessary. All levels of practitioners are welcome.
Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
Registration Deadline:
Saturdays, January 23 – February 6, 2021 | 10:00 am – 12:30 p.m.
Mirjam Luthe, MA
More information and registration: https://ssihi.uci.edu/class_schedule/live-online-mindfulness-based-nature-practice-awakening-in-nature/